Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Our assisgnment for week three is to write something about technology. I don't have much to say on the subject. Sometimes I think we are just frustrating our patrons with all this technology. I was at a reference workshop this morning and one of the things we talked about was e-books. I was amazed at all the full text versions of books that are currently available in our library's databases. Pages and pages of handouts.... I was thinking that if I can't keep up with all this (and I can't) on earth are our patrons supposed to find all this stuff? It's mind boggling really. So much of what we do everyday is now technology related.

Monday, May 12, 2008

First Post

There are a lot of reference librarian blogs out there. Here's another one! I'll explain how I chose the name: On Walden Pond. A couple of weeks ago, a patron called on the phone and asked if we had a copy of "On Walden Pond." I said, Do you mean "Walden?" She said, "Yes." I said the book by Henry David Thoreau? She said, "I guess so." We didn't have a copy at our branch and so I offered to have a copy sent from one of the other branches. Then she asked if we had it on CD? And I said no. So we arranged to have a copy of the book sent from one of the other branches in our system. Right before I hung up the phone - I had a thought. And I asked, "Were you looking for the DVD "On Golden Pond" with Henry Fonda? Guess what? She was.