Tuesday, July 15, 2008

week 6: del.icio.us

I was familiar with del.icio.us already. I actually already had an account, which honestly I never use. I like the idea of the tags and I'm not sure I was really using them to their full advantage. Now that I see how this site could really be helpful in organizing the websites I visit daily - maybe I'll start using it more.

Technorati: Now this is somewhat overwhelming and a little disappointing at first glance. I was working with a woman the other day who was interested in finding other woman artists in the Palm Beach Gardens area. I thought maybe Technorati would help me find blogs from women artists in the area. But it didn't work that way. I'll need to spend a lot more time with this!

web 2.0: There were some interesting ideas presented in these discussions. For instance: "But if our services can’t be used without training, then it’s the services that need to be fixed—not our patrons." I wonder if that's even possible when so many of our users have trouble even using the new self-print stations. Will it ever be possible for all this 2.0 technology to be so user-friendly that our patrons won't need assistance? Also this quote, "Librarian 2.0 controls technolust... Technology is put to the test: Does it meet the users need in a new or improved way? Does it create a useful service for putting users together with the information and experience they seek? " I think we need to remember this as well. Technology should serve to make our patrons lives easier - not to frustrate them!

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