Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Week 9: podcasts, video & Downloadable audio

YouTube: I've been using YouTube for awhile now anyway. My kids adore it and are constantly alerting me to good ones. There's a great one with two British children - "Charlie bit my finger" and another one with two sisters fighting over an order of Chinese dumplings that never fails to make us all laugh (maybe you have to have a sister or more than one daughter to appreciate it though.)

NPR Podcast Directory: this is very cool and I had no idea it existed. I found some poetry, music, etc.

Downloadable audio: I'm not one to "listen" to books normally. Even on a long car trip I'd rather sing along to my Sirius radio. But some things are really meant to be read out loud and Shakespeare I think is one of them...so my entry would be:

Complete Sonnets
William Shakespeare
A complete reading of Shakespeare's 154 timeless sonnets, composed between 1593 and 1601

Final Thoughts: This was an interesting exercise all-in-all. I loved the image-generators, some of the wiki applications, learning more about blogs, etc. I wish I had more time to spend "jazzing" up my blog and will probably do that now that I've completed the progress reports by the deadline. I would like to see the library incorporate some of this 2.0 technology into our website. My biggest complaint is that we tend to be a little slow to implement. I would definately take part if we do something like this again.

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